

Manager, Customer Care

Addison, TX | $68K - $130K

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Company information

Siplast is a recognized world leader in the development and manufacture of SBS-modified bitumen roofing. These multi-ply systems include granule-surfaced Paradiene & foil-faced Veral. Siplast also offers lightweight insulating concrete systems for a true single source opportunity, as well as Teranap waterproofing for plaza & green roofing applications. Siplast can provide a full range of accessories (fasteners to edge metal) and high performance, specialized solutions (such as liquid-applied membranes).

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51-200 employees
Manufacturing, Construction, Roofing, Building Materials, Chemical
Privately Held
Dallas, Texas
Company Specialties:
Commercial Roofing, Waterproofing, Liquid-applied membranes, SBS-modified bitumen roofing, Multi-ply roofing systems, Lightweight Insulating Concrete Systems, Green Roofing, Vegetated Roofing, Vehicular Traffic Coatings, and Pavement Coatings